Marine Models

Irene Kopelman

Texts in English and French by Irene Kopelman, Hélène Guenin, Stefano Tiozzo, Eric Röttinger. Design: Ayumi Higuchi & Roger Willems


Etienne Chambaud by Dilecta Editions

Étienne Chambaud

First monograph of the artist on the occasion of the personal exhibition dedicated to him at LaM museum (Villeneuve d'Asq) from October 2022 to January 2023. Textes by Étienne Chambaud, Filipa Ramos, Tristan Garcia, Mihnea Mircand


A Biography of Daphne - ACCA Melbourne

Jill Magid, Nicholas Mangan

The exhibition guide for 'A Biography of Daphne' includes a curatorial essay by Mihnea Mircan, a visual history of Daphne's iconography, and a list of works.


Raphael Montañez Ortiz

Raphael Montañez Ortiz

Edited by Javier Rivero Ramos, the monograph seeks to redress the scarcity of bibliographical resources dedicated to the life and work of an artist who early on committed himself to push and exceed disciplinary boundaries. Sailing through the wake of abstract expressionism into recycled cinema and afterwards into object-oriented and performance-based destructivist art.



Héctor Zamora

The works of the artist in residence of 2016, Héctor Zamora, are present on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of Fundación Rac.


Héctor Zamora | Dinâmica não linear

Héctor Zamora

The artist’s first major retrospective exhibition in Brazil


Havana Case Study

Terence Gower

Havana Case Study is the second in a series of installations by Terence Gower that use American diplomatic architecture as a lens through which to analyze US international relations (the first work in the series is Baghdad Case Study, 2012), and is based on extensive research in Havana and in US archives


The Air is Blue

Pedro Reyes, Hans Ulrich Obrist

Luis Barragán’s house, Louis Kahn wrote after visiting it, is a place that “could have been built a hundred years ago or a hundred years from now.” So, in more ways than one, is The Air is Blue, an exhibition orchestrated in the master's house and studio by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Pedro Reyes, over the course of three years.


For Your Eyes Only

Katinka Bock

“For Your Eyes Only“ is a penetrable exhibition that attempts to highlight the most immediate senses, like touching or hearing, while raising questions about the consistency and texture of the materials based on false visual clues and questioning the supremacy of sight over the other senses.


Limits to Growth

Nicholas Mangan

This publication accompanies Australian multidisciplinary artist Nicholas Mangan’s survey exhibition “Limits to Growth.” The exhibition and book bring together four of Mangan’s most significant works of the past seven years, alongside a new commission.



Terence Gower

A manifest is a rhetorical device designed carefully - both by its structure and by the words selected - to ignite the passions of those who listen to it. For the cultural avant gardes of the early twentieth century, a manifesto was the requisite and ultimate message to launch a new artistic movement.


Héctor Zamora

Héctor Zamora

This small format art book talks about the work of Héctor Zamora, a Mexican contemporary artist whose work is based on interventions of public spaces and urban works of large format that tend to social criticism.


El hallazgo del miembro fantasma

Erick Beltrán, Jorge Satorre

In El hallazgo del miembro fantasma Erick Beltrán and Jorge Satorre investigate the power of the image in a police cartoon.


Esto es una papa

Irene Kopelman

This 6th volume of Kopelman's publication series Notes on Representation reports a travel to the Andean highlands in Peru where she investigated the amorphous shapes of native potatoes.



Katinka Bock

Published to accompany thirteen sculptures and installations by Katinka Bock at the Henry Art Gallery in Seattle, six of which were specially commissioned, this book presents the pieces formally, but also explores the context of their creation.


Theater of the World

Terence Gower, Pedro Reyes

The theater of the world examines the work of different artists interested in architecture as a place of political and social representation. In the midst of theatricality and propaganda, each city is reimagined and rebuilt as a result of a show.


Join the dots

Ernesto Mallard, Pedro Reyes

Published in the ocassion of Join the Dots de Ernesto Mallard / Pedro Reyes 19.09.2014–31.10.2014


The Permanent Revolution. An Ideological Screwball Comedy

Pedro Reyes

This book presents the mise-en-scène created by Mexican artist Pedro Reyes, who was commissioned by the Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo in Mexico City. The project is part of the Baby Marx series, which explores the contradictions between socialism and capitalism, two ideologies which still permeate today’s culture.


Skulptur, Fotografie, Film

Santiago Sierra

Skulptur, Fotografie, Film-Santiago Sierra


Looking at Trees

Irene Kopelman

An exclusive book with two series of two watercolours entitled ‘Dots in Tree’ and ‘Tree Drawings’. Edition of 400 copies, signed and numbered by the artist. Design by Roger Willems.


El Testigo

Teresa Margolles

Teresa Margolles manifests through her work a great interest in the way the real affects and directly determines the lives of individuals. His works show the impermanence of things, beings and their relationships; But in turn suggest the urgency and need for the development of concrete forms of solidarity.


La Promesa

Teresa Margolles

The present work emerged as an artistic manifestation at the time when Teresa Margolles was involved in the investigation of the most critical and violent areas of reality in Mexico. Reflecting on the photographic record made in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua between 2009 and 2010; Margolles visualized the idea of this performance as an attempt at an aesthetic approach to critically influence the context in which one lives.


Some Kinds of Duration

Nicholas Mangan

This book extends Nicholas Mangan’s Some Kinds of Duration project, which was presented as a solo exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Photography in 2012, and as part of the group show Talking Pictures at Artspace in 2011.


Sinking Islands

Etienne Chambaud

The publication that accompanied the curatorial work by Vincent Normand, Sinking Islands at LABOR, in Mexico City.



Irene Kopelman

Irene Kopelman’s work explores the parallel worlds of artists and researchers. In 2012, she applied for a Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship, “an opportunity that could ignite endless ideas”.


The Molyneux Problem

Irene Kopelman

Molyneux's problem is a thought experiment in philosophy concerning immediate recovery from blindness, notably referenced by John Locke.


X points of view

Irene Kopelman

Irene Kopelman’s work and research highlight the close and detailed relationship between art and science.


Semefo 1990-1999: From the morgue to the museum

Teresa Margolles

SEMEFO. 1990-1999. From the Morgue to the Museum is a book that recovers and analyzes the artistic work of the group founded by Teresa Margolles, Carlos López, Juan Luis García and Arturo Angulo, which had as its axis the aesthetic explorations of the social and cultural implications of death, In them the corpse and its fluids were the central symbolic object of supports such as photography, sculpture, performance, installation, video, theater and music.



Raphael Montañez Ortíz

Edited by Pedro Reyes on the occasion of the exhibition LASER/DISC/SCRATCH/DESTRUCTION: RAPHAEL MONTAÑEZ ORTÍZ at LABOR in Mexico City in March of 2011.


50 Meters Distance or More

Irene Kopelman

Notes on Representation Volume 4’. A collection of drawings and texts by Irene Kopelman, gathered during a journey to the Antartic from January 6-26th 2010, aboard the expedition sailboat Spirit of Sydney.


Notes From a Cretaceous World

Nicholas Mangan

The publication documents and discusses four major works by Nicholas Mangan: The Colony 2005, The Mutant Message 2006, At Southwest Stone 2008 and Nauru, Notes from a Cretaceous World 2010.


Contre-Histoire de la Séparation

Etienne Chambaud

Contre-Histoire de la Séparation is based on the eponymous film by Etienne Chambaud and Vincent Normand, which it translates in the space of the book. The voice-over in the film has been made into a one-edition book, which was rephotographed according to the technique the authors used to make the film.


Modelling Standard

Eric Beltrán, Jorge Satorre

This series of illustrations is the result of a project initiated in 2010 by invitation of Catalina Lozano at Gasworks, a centre for contemporary art in South London.


What Else Could We Talk About?

Teresa Margolles

¿De qué otra cosa podríamos hablar? (What Else Could We Talk About?) is much more than a document of the intervention of Margolles in Venice. This book gathers a multiple reflection (based on testimonies, narratives, historical reflection, and production) on the futile crusade against drugs and its perverse effects.


Display Architecture

Terence Gower

Display Architecture is a survey of Terence Gower's recent work on modernist strategies of display and representation in architecture. The book is a hybrid between an artist publication and a catalogue of the artist's recent work.


Skidproof view

Pablo Vargas Lugo

The book documents the production of an immense installation of 16,000 pyramids that were presented in the Jumex collection and in the biennial of Sao Paolo. Because of its size, the facility was destroyed.


Ciudad Moderna: Terence Gower Video Works

Terence Gower

The video Ciu­dad Mod­erna is a com­pos­ite of clips taken from the pop­u­lar Mex­i­can film De­s­pe­dida de Casada, re­leased in 1966. The source film is treated as a doc­u­ment of the con­tem­po­rary city, and is re-edited to show off the mod­ern ar­chi­tec­ture of Mex­ico, such as the Mu­seum of An­thro­pol­ogy, the apart­ment build­ings of Avenida de la Re­forma, and the Ho­tel Pres­i­dente in Aca­pulco.


300 Tons and Previous Works

Santiago Sierra

300 Tons and Previous Projects features more than 80 of Santiago Sierra's works from 1989 to 2004, several of which are published here for the first time.


Documenting Three Interventions in a Space

Irene Kopelman

This publication is the documentation of Three Interventions in a Space (presented at the Open Studios at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in 2002), which shows every little unevenness on the walls, floor and plinths in the studio, by copying, mapping and drawing them.


Santiago Sierra | Works 2002 – 1990

Jonathan Watkins, Katya Gracia

Book by Spanish artist Santiago Sierra depicting his works from 1990 to 2002.Texts by: Jonathan Watkins, Katya Gracia.


Santiago Sierra | Works 2002 – 1990

Santiago Sierra

Book by Spanish artist Santiago Sierra depicting his works from 1990 to 2002.Texts by: Jonathan Watkins, Katya Gracia.


Appendices, Illustrations & Notes

Terence Gower, Monica de la Torre

Written as a satire of art writing, literary criticism, and psychoanalytic theory, the book mixes together original content by each author, plus new collaborative material. It takes the form of a (rejected) uncorrected proof of an appendix to another (nonexistent) volume and pays homage to some of overlooked genres of writing.



Terence Gower

The artist’s very first work and a ref­er­ence to his for­ma­tion on the mar­gins of the Van­cou­ver pho­to­con­cep­tual scene, En­feuil­l­lage doc­u­ments—in 24 pho­tographs—a per­fumery process known as en­fleurage in which fat is used to ab­sorb the scent of flow­ers and is then ren­dered as a liq­uid (per­fume).