Labor participates in Art Basel Paris 2024
We are proud to announce Labor's first participation this year at Art Basel Paris, presenting a solo booth with recent works by Jill Magid and the participation of Héctor Zamora within the fair's Public Program.

We are proud to announce Labor's first participation this year at Art Basel Paris, presenting a solo booth with recent works by Jill Magid and the participation of Héctor Zamora within the fair's Public Program.

Jill Magid's works for Labor's booth at Art Basel Paris look at how the biology of flowers are manipulated by the human actors in the floral industry to increase their value on the market. Considering Art Basel Paris as their site, the booth will include an installation using fresh cut flowers from Paris’ largest flower market, neon sculptures of specific flower types, botanical illustrations, and book sculptures. These works visualize the overlapping interests of beauty, science, and commerce, and the role that prediction and visualization play in the circulation of value, as embodied in her recent project Out-Game Flowers, acquired by the Centre Pompidou.

Héctor Zamora will be participating in the fair's Public Program with a new iteration of his project "Chimera" presented for the first time as part of Desert X 2023, which took place at sites across the Coachella Valley, California. This work reflects, in the first place, about ideas linked to the migratory process and the promises that it chases, as well as the subsistence modes that migrant populations adopt - or reproduce from the country of origin - once they arrive “to the other side.”

Jill Magid, A Model for Cut Rose Stem Elongation where y is 48", 2023 Neon, transformers, wire. 121.9 x 22.9 x 10.2 cm.

Jill Magid, A Model for Cut Rose Stem Elongation where y is 48", 2023 Neon, transformers, wire. 121.9 x 22.9 x 10.2 cm.

Jill Magid, A Model for Cut Rose Stem Elongation where y is 48", 2023 Neon, transformers, wire. 121.9 x 22.9 x 10.2 cm.

Jill Magid, A Model for Cut Rose Stem Elongation where y is 48", 2023 Neon, transformers, wire. 121.9 x 22.9 x 10.2 cm.